Best Mouse Poison 2025 – Updated by Burbro Editors on April 14th, 2021
When you have mice living in your home, workplace, cars or barns, you’ll need to remove them quickly to avoid damage to your health or buildings. One of the best ways to remove mice is by using mouse poison. If you’ve been looking at mouse poison, you’ll notice there’s a lot of products that you can choose to get rid of your mice problem. However, a quantity of options doesn’t mean that the mouse poisons are effective or worth your money.
In this product review, we’ll be looking at the best mouse poisons in 2025 so that you can find the right products to remove the rodents from your home. We’ll also provide a comprehensive buying guide so that you know what to look for when buying mouse poison for your home or workplace.
Best Mouse Poison of 2025
If you’re on the hunt for the best mouse poison products to remove the mice from your home and yard, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve reviewed the best mouse poisons and compiled a list of the top products you can buy.

1. Ecoclear RatX Natural Mouse Poison
The Best Safe Mouse Poison for Kids and Pets.
If you have children or pets, you’ll need to be careful when using mouse poison so that accidents don’t happen. One of the best mouse poisons that are safe for use around kids and pets is the Ecoclear RatX mouse poison. The Ecoclear RatX Mouse Poison is 100% natural and can eradicate mice and rats within one feeding. It’s also toxic-free and humanely kills the mice and rats while being 100% safe for use around children, pets and wildlife. When you use the Ecoclear RatX Mouse poison, there’s zero chance of killing birds of prey that have eaten a poisoned mouse. This is because other animals have a different digestive tract and aren’t affected by this natural mouse poison. To use the Ecoclear Natural Mouse Poison, you’ll need to locate the mice and then scatter the pellets on the floor. You can also use a feeding station so that the mice find the food and to reduce the mess.

2. JT Eaton Bait Block Mouse Poison
The Best Mouse Poison for General Use.
When you have mice in your home, it may be difficult to locate them because they burrow under the foundation of houses and then climb up into your home. If you need a mouse poison that can be used indoors and outdoors, then you’ll want to look at the JT Eaton Bait Block Mouse Poison. The JT Eaton Mouse Poison comes in small blocks that act as bait for the mice. These blocks come in popular flavours such as peanut butter and apple and can be placed in bait stations for the mice to feed on. When you’re using the JT Eaton Bait Blocks, you’ll notice that they come in sealed tubs with a tamper-proof lid. This is to prevent animals and children from accessing the poison while ensuring that the bait blocks don’t spoil. If you choose the Bait Blocks as your mouse poison, we recommend using a bait station. A bait station will allow the mice to feed on the poison while ensuring that no children or pets can touch, see or eat the poison.

3. Neogen Ramik Rodenticide
The Best Mouse Poison for Outdoor and Indoor Use.
Another mouse poison that you can use for exterior or interior mice problems is the Neogen Ramik Rodenticide. This is the best mouse poison for outdoors while being an ideal solution for removing any mice in your home. The Neogen Ramik Rodenticide comes in the form of little balls with a grain and fish flavour that attracts mice. These balls are weatherproof, which means that they can be left outdoors in the weather, and they perform just as well in damp conditions. If you want the pellets to be more effective, we recommend that you spray the pellets with water to moisten the outer layer. This will let off more smell for the mice to find, and they’ll be easier for the mice to consume. The Neogen Mice Poison Pellets are extremely effective and will eradicate any mice within 3-5 days. All you’ll need to do is place the pellets in the general area that the mice are, and they’ll find the pellets and feed on them.

4. JT Eaton Rodenticide Bait Blocks
The Best Mouse Poison for Homes and Attics.
If you have mice in your home, then you’ll want to remove these rodents before they devalue your home or cause severe sickness. One of the best mouse poisons for indoor use is the JT Eaton Rodenticide Bait Blocks. The JT Eaton Rodenticide Bait Blocks come in an apple flavour, which is best for indoor use because some people may be allergic to peanut butter. The apple flavour is a favourite with mice, and they’ll quickly find these bait blocks and begin eating. All you’ll need to do is place a few bait blocks in your attic or the general areas where the mice live. If you have kids or pets, we recommend using bait stations to prevent any children or pets from finding the mouse poison. These bait blocks are highly effective and will kill the mice within a couple of days. The bait blocks also come in a tamper-proof tub and will last for up to a year without spoiling, which means that they have a long shelf life.

5. Tomcat All-Weather Bait Chunx
One of the Best Mouse Poisons for All Mice.
There are many types of mice, such as deer mice, house mice, white-footed mice, cotton mouse and many others. However, the Tomcat All-Weather Bait Chunx is designed to be useful for all rodents, including mice and rats. The Tomcat All-Weather Bait Chunx comes in smaller blocks that can be crumbled or placed as blocks for the mice to eat. These blocks are also weather-resistant, which makes them perfect for indoor and outdoor use. The Tomcat Bait Chunx is highly effective and can kill up to 12 mice per block you place in the bait stations. The mice will also stop eating the bait blocks after a small toxic dosage, which means that you’ll be able to eradicate the mice with less poison. One of the things that we like about the Tomcat Bait Chunx is that it comes with a tamper-proof container. This protects children and pets from accessing the mouse poison while prolonging the pellets’ shelf life with proper storage.
Mouse Poison Buying Guide
We want you to find the best mouse poison to solve any problems you’re having with mice. This is why we’ve created a comprehensive buying guide for mouse poison so that you know how to choose the best mouse poison.
We’ll also show you how to use the poison, provide tips for safe use, and give answers to frequently asked questions. If you’re new to using poisons, you may want to read through this buying guide.
Benefits of Using Mouse Poison
Before we start talking about how to choose the best mouse poisons, we’re going to talk about the benefits of using poison. After all, there’s little sense in buying poison if you don’t understand why you should use it.
The main reason that people use mouse poison is that their homes, cars, or workplace is overrun with mice. The mice carry diseases that can cause severe illness and even death if they’re in your living areas.
Also, mice can reproduce very fast, and a single mother can have 8-10 litters of mice per year, with each littler containing around 6-14 baby mice. If you don’t handle the problem quickly, your home or workplace could be infested with mice, destroying your health and the building.
Another reason people use poison is that it’s very difficult to track mice and catch them by hand. Also, if you did catch them by hand, then you’d have to drive them far away so that they can’t re-enter your buildings. This can be time-consuming and become a health issue if you’re too close to the mice while handling them.
With mouse poison, you’ll need to place bait stations or pellets in the general area where the mice are living, and they’ll feed on the poison. Over the next 24 hours to 5 days, all the mice will be eradicated if they’ve eaten the poison.
How to Choose the Best Mouse Poison
Now that you know the benefits of using poison, it’s time to learn how to choose the best mouse poison. In this section, we’ll be looking at the things to consider when you’re choosing mouse poison so that you get the right solution to your problem.
Here are the key features to consider when choosing mouse poison.
1. Type of Mouse Poison
If you begin looking at mouse poison, you’ll notice several types of poisons that you can use, depending on your circumstance. While all poisons serve the same purpose, they’re to be used in different situations. Additionally, if you’re combatting larger rodents or mice, you may want to consider rat poison instead.
Here are the common types of mouse poisons:
- Block Baits – The block bait mouse poison may be the most popular form of rodenticide because it’s easy to use, easy to store and highly effective. These small blocks can be placed in bait stations, in the corner of rooms or scattered in an attic, and they’ll quickly attract the mice and kill them within a few days.
- Pellet Bait – The pellet bait is another common type of poison because it comes in dry pellets and isn’t as toxic as the block bait. Typically, the pellet bait will require multiple feedings, which means that it takes longer to kill the mice, but it’s effective nonetheless. Often, the pellet baits are weather treated so that you can use them indoors and outdoors.
- Liquid Mouse Poisons – If you’re living in a dry area, you’ll want to use liquid poisons because the mice will be thirsty, and the liquid will become more appealing to them. The liquid poisons act fast; however, you’ll want to keep any animals and children away from this form of poison.
- Soft Baits – The soft mouse baits come in plastic packages placed in the rooms to attract the mice. The mice will eat through the soft plastic and get to the poison, and the packaging will preserve the poison so that it doesn’t spoil over time.
If you’re not sure that you want to use poison, you can always get rid of mice by using mouse traps and cages. However, you’ll want to wear ventilators and gloves with this method to prevent any illness from handling the mice.
2. Single Feed or Multi-Feed
You’ll also need to decide if you want to use poison to kill the mice in a single feed or require multiple feeds before it kills the mice. This decision is a preference, and both forms of mouse poison will do the job.
With single feed poison, you’ll have a product that’s much stronger and more toxic. It can also be more dangerous for children and pets, so you’ll need to use a bait station to prevent any accidents from happening. The single feed poison will act faster than the multi-feed poisons, and you’ll see results in 2 days.
If you go with the multi-feed poisons, you’ll need to place the poison in an area where the mice live and don’t remove the poison. If you move the poison, then the mice may stop feeding on the poison, and they may not have enough poison in their system to kill the mice.
3. Indoor or Outdoor Use
Before you buy poisons, you’ll need to consider where you’ll be using the mouse poison. If you have mice indoors, you’ll want to use poisons designed for indoor use, and if the mice are outside, you’ll want to use a poison that has been weather treated for outdoor use.
The mice will often enter homes from the exterior by burrowing close to the foundation, and then when they surface under the home, they find holes into your home. While it’s difficult to deter the mice from making holes under the ground, you’ll need to be proactive once they’ve entered your home.
Many mouse poisons are rated for indoor and outdoor use, but you’ll need to check the packaging to ensure that the poison is suited for your situation.
4. Safe Containers
You don’t want to play around with mouse poisons because they can harm animals and children. If you have pets or children around your home, we recommend that you store the poison in a safe container and an elevated position.
The safe containers will prevent the children from accessing the poison and prevent accidents from happening. The containers will also prolong the rat poison’s shelf life by keeping it out of the elements in an airtight container.
If you’re using single feed poison, you’ll want to place the poison in a bait station to prevent animals and children from finding it. The bait stations will allow the mice to feed while locking out pets and kids.
5. Price / Quantity
You’ll also need to consider the price you’re paying for the poison and the quantity you’ll need to eradicate the mice in your area. While the poison is cheap, you may want to shop around for a deal.
If you’re using single feed mouse poison, then the mice won’t eat very much, and the poison is effective. This means that you won’t need to purchase as much poison to handle your problem with mice.
How to Use Mouse Poison
Once you’ve chosen the right mouse poison for your situation, it’s time to learn how to use the mouse poison. If you don’t use the poison effectively, the mice may not find the bait, and they may avoid feeding.
Here are the steps to using mouse poison.
- Place the mouse poison about 5-15 feet from each other so that the mice can pick up the scent of the poison. You’ll want to place the poison in multiple locations so that multiple mice can feed.
- Always put on gloves when you’re handling the poison and then wash your hands after placing the poison. Avoid touching your face with your hands and wash the gloves after every use.
- Once you’ve placed the poison, DON’T move the poison from that spot, or else the mice may reject it. The mice know where food is, and when the food has been moved, they can move on to another source of food.
- If an area is damp or wet, you may want to use weatherproof bait blocks or soft bait. This will prevent mold from growing on the poison, and it’ll keep the poison fresh for the mice to feed on.
- Eliminate any other food sources that the mice have access to, or else the mice may not feed on the poison. If there’s more food to be had, they’ll get picky and choose what they eat. If you want them to feed on the poison quickly, you’ll want to remove other food sources.
- If your area is dry, then place out liquid poisons because the mice will be thirsty, and they’ll be looking for something to drink. If you use liquid poisons, you’ll want to keep children and pets away from the liquid.
Where to Place Mouse Poison
It can be challenging to find out where the mice are coming from, but you’ll need to place the poison in their area or along their routes to ensure that they find the poison and feel comfortable with the area to feed on the poison.
Here are some common places to place poison.
- Food Sources – The mice will know where there are food sources in your home and workplace. If there’s open food, you won’t want to place poison in this area, but you can look for their route leading to the food source and place the poison along their route.
- Walls – The mice are notorious for climbing up walls and making their nests where you can’t reach them. If you have access to the studded walls in your home or anywhere on top of the walls, then you’ll want to place the poison in these areas. The mice love to run along the top of walls, and on top of AC vents, so you’ll be sure to catch them in these places.
- Mouse Droppings – If you can see mouse droppings across the floor of a room, place the bait stations in the corner of these rooms. You may want to place it behind something because the mice will feel safe if they’re hidden while they eat the food in your bait stations.
These are some of the common places to look for mice. You can also place them in your garage, attic, and utility room. Any place that’s typically dark will be a good place to put mouse poison.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How Much Poison Is Needed to Kill a Mouse?
The amount of poison needed to kill a mouse will depend on the dosage of poison in your product. If the poison is a single feed poison, then it’ll kill the mouse faster then the multi-feed poisons, which require the mouse to eat multiple meals of poison.
2. Where Do You Put Mouse Poison?
You can place the mouse poison in dark areas, damp places, low traffic areas, on top of walls, empty rooms, and near food sources. If you see mouse droppings, you may want to place the poison within 5-15ft of this area.
3. How Quickly Do Mice Die After Eating Poison?
The time it takes for the mice to die after eating will depend on the type of poison that the mouse consumed. However, many poisons will kill the mice within 2-6 days, depending on how much poison the mouse ate.
4. Can Toothpaste Kill Mice?
No. The toothpaste won’t kill the mice, but if the toothpaste has a strong mint scent, this can repel the mice. The mice hate the smell of mint, so you can rub mint toothpaste or buy mint leaves and place it around the mice, and they’ll move on.
5. Should I Use a Bait Station for Mice?
You don’t need to use bait stations for mouse poison to work, but bait stations are a good idea if you’re leaving poison around. The bait stations will let the mice eat the poison and prevent children or pets from accessing it.
We hope that this article has helped you find the best mouse poison for 2025. If you’re new to using mouse poison, you can go through our comprehensive buying guide to find the right poison for your situation and learn how to use and place the poison.