Table of Contents
- The Best Nerf Pistols for 2025
- 1. Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander
- 2. Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury
- 3. Nerf Rival Roundhouse
- 4. Nerf N-Strike FalconFire
- 5. Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor
- 6. Nerf N-Strike Strongarm
- 7. Nerf Ultra 2 Blaster
- 8. Nerf Elite Volt SD-1 Blaster
- How to Choose the Best Nerf Pistol
- Nerf Pistol Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Summary
Best Nerf Pistols 2021 – Updated by Burbro Editors on April 14th, 2021
The Nerf pistols are often overlooked because they have less range, they carry fewer darts, and they can take longer to reload. Instead, the best Nerf guns tend to get more attention because they have a lot of range, carry high-capacity magazines and can be used for rapid-fire shooting. The Nerf sniper rifles also get more attention than Nerf pistols because the sniper rifles have a lot of range, eliminating enemies across the Nerf battlefield, and is a sneaky way to play Nerf games.
While the Nerf pistols may be ignored, they serve an important role as a secondary blaster for your Nerf battles. While you may rely heavily on your primary Nerf guns, you’ll want to have a secondary blaster that can be used at any moment if your primary nerf blaster runs out of ammunition or gets jammed in a firefight.
The best Nerf pistols are designed to have a good range and carry enough Nerf ammunition to get you out of any firefight. They’re also designed to be easy to use so you can easily prime your Nerf pistol and use it during your Nerf battles.
The Best Nerf Pistols for 2025
If you’re searching for the best Nerf pistol, we’ve got you covered. We’ve reviewed the best Nerf pistols and handheld blasters and compiled the top products into a shortlist that you can use to find the perfect Nerf pistol for your arsenal without having to try every Nerf blaster on the market.
Here are the Best Nerf Pistols of 2025.
- Most Customizable Nerf Pistol: Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander
- Best Nerf Pistol for Zombie Invasions: Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury
- Best Nerf Rival Blaster: Nerf Rival Roundhouse
- Best Nerf Pistol for Accuracy: Nerf N-Strike FalconFire
- High-Powered Nerf Pistol: Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor
- Budget-Friendly Nerf Pistol: Nerf N-Strike Strongarm
- Best Motorized Nerf Pistol: Nerf Ultra 2 Blaster
- Best Concealed Carry Nerf Pistol: Nerf Elite Volt SD-1 Blaster
1. Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander
Most Customizable Nerf Pistol.
The Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander pistol is the ideal blaster for anyone that likes to customize their setup. The Elite 2.0 Commander features 3 tactical rails and attachment points for a barrel and a stock so that you can turn this Nerf pistol into a full-sized blaster. This Nerf pistol has long-range and can shoot the Official Nerf Darts up to 90-feet, making it an effective pistol. The Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander comes with a drum magazine that holds 6 darts, and it comes with 12 darts, so you’ll have enough darts to reload your blaster.
2. Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury
Best Nerf Pistol for Zombie Invasions.
One of the best Nerf Pistols for zombie invasions is the Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury Blaster. The FlipFury blaster features dual drum magazines that each hold 6 Nerf darts, and you can quickly reload your weapon by flipping the drums to the magazine with Nerf darts. You can also reload your weapon while being prepared to shoot "zombies" at any moment since one magazine will always have ammunition. This Nerf Pistol comes with 12 Zombie Strike Darts, so you’ll have enough darts for full magazines.
3. Nerf Rival Roundhouse
Best Nerf Rival Blaster.
If you’re searching for a Nerf Rival Pistol, you’ll want to look at the Rival Roundhouse XX-1500 Blaster. The Roundhouse blaster comes with 5 rotating chambers that each hold 3 Nerf balls, giving 15-rounds to fire at any moment. This Nerf Pistol is spring-loaded and comes with a trigger lock for protection and tactical rails so you can customize your Nerf Blaster. This Nerf blaster also has lots of power. This Nerf Pistol can shoot up to 90 feet per second (FPS), which is pretty fast compared to other Nerf blasters.
4. Nerf N-Strike FalconFire
Best Nerf Pistol for Accuracy.
If you’re looking for an accurate pistol that has reliable firing, you’ll want to try the Nerf N-Strike FalconFire Pistol. The FalconFire is part of the AccuStrike Series and is perfect as a secondary weapon for the AccuStrike Sniper Rifle. The FalconFire Pistol is a top load, single-shot blaster. It comes with a manual priming system and a longer barrel for increased accuracy while firing. It also comes with built-in dart storage that can hold up to two extra Nerf darts. It also comes with a built-in scope that helps you aim your blaster and gauge your enemies' range. We like the FalconFire blaster because it’s easy to use, it shoots fast, and it’s reliable in stressful situations.
5. Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor
A High-Powered Nerf Pistol.
If you’re looking for a powerful Nerf pistol that can shoot long distances, you’ll want to look at the Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor. The Elite Disruptor comes with a rotating drum magazine that holds up to 6 darts. The Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor fires 90 feet, which is a good range for Nerf blasters. This Nerf pistol comes with Rapid Fire Technology, and you can hold down the trigger while priming the Nerf blaster, and it’ll keep firing darts until your magazine is empty.
6. Nerf N-Strike Strongarm
Budget-Friendly Nerf Pistol.
One of the most affordable Nerf blasters you can buy is the Nerf N-Strike Strongarm Pistol. This Nerf pistol comes with a magazine drum that holds up to 6 darts and rotates as you fire each dart, so you’re always ready to handle business. This Nerf pistol also comes with rapid-fire technology, which lets you hold down the trigger while priming the pistol, which unleashes a flurry of darts. The Strongarm pistol is perfect for any battlefield and can fire up to 90 feet, which is further than most Nerf blasters.
7. Nerf Ultra 2 Blaster
Best Motorized Nerf Pistol.
If you want to try a powerful motorized Nerf Pistol, you’ll want to consider the Nerf Ultra 2 Blaster. The Ultra 2 Blaster comes with a cylinder magazine that holds up to 6 Nerf Ultra Darts. With the Nerf Ultra 2 Blaster, you can experience better distance, more accuracy and faster speeds with the advanced features that will take your Nerf game to a higher level. The Nerf Ultra Two Blaster can fire Ultra darts up to 120-feet, which is the furthest distance achieved by a Nerf blaster.
8. Nerf Elite Volt SD-1 Blaster
Best Concealed Carry Nerf Pistol.
If you’re looking for the best concealed Nerf pistol, you’ll want to look at the Nerf Elite Volt SD-1 Blaster. You can customize the Volt SD-1 Blaster for every mission by using the two tactical rails for extra modification. The Volt Sd-1 Blaster can hold two darts, one loaded and one in the built-in dart storage. It’s perfect for close combat shooting while being able to shoot darts up to 90 feet, making it the perfect ‘getaway’ Nerf gun. This Nerf blaster is quite small and can easily be concealed and carried without anyone knowing that you’re still carrying a Nerf blaster.

How to Choose the Best Nerf Pistol
If you’re new to using Nerf pistols for your battles, we’ve got you covered. In this section, we’ll provide a buyer’s guide for choosing Nerf pistols. If you’re unsure about what to look for when picking a Nerf pistol for your arsenal, you may want to read through this section of the article. Here are some tips for choosing the right Nerf pistol.
1. Select the Size
When you’re choosing a Nerf pistol, you want to consider the pistol’s size to ensure that it’s right for you. If you’ve been shopping for Nerf pistols, you’ll notice that the pistols come in a variety of sizes. If the pistol is too small, you may find it difficult to use your handheld Nerf gun during battle. However, if the Nerf gun is too large, you may find that the handle is too large for your hand, and you’ll have trouble aiming the pistol.
The size of your Nerf pistol will also affect your handheld Nerf gun’s weight, which can make it difficult for you to carry the Nerf gun around the battlefield. If your Nerf gun is too heavy, you’ll also find that it’s difficult to hold the pistol in one hand while you’re aiming your Nerf gun.
We recommend choosing a Nerf pistol that fits your hand properly so that you can aim the Nerf gun, hold the Nerf gun in one hand, and easily use the Nerf pistol for an entire Nerf battle without getting tired.
2. The Nerf Pistols Range and Fire Rate
As you’re choosing the right Nerf pistol for you, you’ll need to consider the guns range and the fire rate to ensure that you find a Nerf pistol that is perfect for your battlefield and your game style. First off, you want to look at the Nerf pistols range to determine how far the Nerf bullets will be able to shoot when you’re using the pistol. If you’re using your Nerf pistol indoors, then it’s likely that you’ll be using a battlefield that’s close quarter combat (CQB) which means that your Nerf pistol won’t need very much range to be effective.
However, if you’ll be using your Nerf pistol in an outdoor environment or a larger playing field, you’ll want a Nerf pistol that has a lot more range. When you’re playing in a larger Nerf Battlefield, you’ll always want to find Nerf guns that come with a lot of range so that you can accurately hit your target with your Nerf gun. Once you’ve found a Nerf pistol that has the correct range for your battlefield, you’ll want to look at the firing rate of your Nerf pistol. Your Nerf pistol’s fire rate is the amount of time that it takes to shoot each Nerf dart.
While a Nerf pistol may not have an automatic Nerf gun’s firing rate, we recommend looking for a Nerf pistol that has a higher firing rate. This is because pistols are often used as a secondary weapon, which means that you’ll only use them if you’re in a serious situation. When you’re in serious situations during a Nerf battle, you’ll want a secondary Nerf gun that has a higher firing rate and more range so you can protect yourself from opposing players.
3. Choose the Dart Magazine Size
Before you choose a Nerf pistol to add to your Nerf gun arsenal, you’ll want to consider the magazine size on the handheld Nerf gun to ensure that it’s right for you. You’ll find that most Nerf pistols come in a variety of magazine sizes; however, all pistols come with a single shot magazine or magazines that can hold multiple Nerf darts.
You’ll find that the pistol will be easier to conceal with the single-shot pistols because it won’t be as bulky. This is because there is no magazine attached to the Nerf pistol, which reduces the Nerf gun’s size and makes it easier to conceal the pistol on the battlefield. If you’re looking to conceal your Nerf pistol, you’ll likely want to go with a smaller handheld pistol or a Nerf gun that has no magazine.
When you’re on the Nerf Battlefield, your handheld pistol will be your last resort if your primary Nerf weapon fails. If this happens, you’ll want to be sure that your Nerf pistol has multiple darts in the magazine so that you can protect yourself from any enemies that may be rushing your location.
If you plan on using a Nerf pistol as a secondary weapon to protect yourself in the worst-case scenarios, you’ll want to find a handheld Nerf gun that comes with a magazine that can hold multiple Nerf darts. However, if you’re looking to conceal your weapon to play tactically or sneakily, you’ll want to use a smaller handheld Nerf pistol which only holds one Nerf dart and can be used in close range.
4. Pick the Dart Type
When you’re using Nerf guns, you’ll want to find blasters that are compatible with your Nerf darts. As you’re choosing a handheld Nerf gun, you’ll want to consider the type of Nerf darts that the pistol uses to ensure that you own the Nerf darts compatible with the Nerf guns you’d like to purchase.
We recommend choosing Nerf guns that are compatible with the Nerf darts you already own so you can save money on your Nerf gear. By using the same type of Nerf darts, it’ll also be easier to refill your Nerf guns because you’ll be able to find Nerf darts all over your battlefield. This means you can pick up handfuls of darts while you’re playing and refill your Nerf blasters without having to stop gameplay to reload your Nerf guns.
5. Nerf Pistol Usability Features
You’ll also want to choose a Nerf pistol that’s easy to use, so you’re not struggling to use your handheld Nerf blaster during Nerf battles. One way you can ensure that the pistol is easy to use is by considering the usability features that come with the Nerf blaster.
One of the usability features that you’ll want to consider is the grip of the gun. If the grip is too wide, you’ll find that it’s difficult to hold the pistol in a single hand, making it difficult for you to hold the gun steady while you’re aiming and pulling the trigger. This will make it difficult to be precise while shooting which can cause many problems during Nerf battles.
When you’re using a spring-powered Nerf gun, you’ll want to ensure that it’s not too difficult to prime the pistol after firing a dart. When you’re using a Nerf gun with a stiff slide, you’ll find that you won’t be able to cock your pistol quickly so you can fire another dart. This means that the firing rate on your pistol will drop, making it easier to shoot you before you’re able to protect yourself from oncoming enemies.
If you’re using the pistol as a secondary weapon, you’ll want to consider finding a Nerf handgun that comes with a holster or loops or a carrying strap. By using a holster, you’ll be able to carry your Nerf blaster while keeping your hands free to handle your primary Nerf blaster during Nerf battles.
6. Price and Warranty
If you’ve been looking for handheld Nerf blasters, you’ll notice that they come in a variety of prices. To find the perfect Nerf pistol for you, you’ll want to set a budget for your purchase. A budget will make it easier for you to find the right blaster by eliminating all the products outside your price range. It will also help you find a high-quality blaster that’s within your budget and affordable for you.
You’ll also want to look for a blaster that comes with a warranty to ensure that your product doesn’t come with manufacturing defects. A longer warranty is better because it gives you more time to test the product before your warranty expires.
Nerf Pistol Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are Nerf Pistols Powerful?
It depends. Some Nerf pistols are more powerful than other pistols, and some have a lot of range and can hit targets at great distances, while other Nerf pistols don’t shoot very far. The weaker Nerf pistols are often designed for close combat shooting, while the powerful Nerf pistols are intended for larger battlefields where the NErf darts are required to travel further to hit the targets.
Are Nerf Pistols a Secondary Blaster?
Yes. The majority of Nerf pistols are designed to be a secondary Nerf gun. While some Nerf pistols have a lot of range and are powerful, it will be hard to beat a larger Nerf blaster as your primary weapon. We recommend using a Nerf rifle as your main gun and use the Nerf pistols as a secondary blaster that’s ready if your Nerf rifle fails you.
How to be Accurate with Nerf Pistols?
To be accurate with your Nerf pistol, you’ll need to spend time with the pistol and practice so you learn how to shoot the pistol. Each Nerf gun is different and will have different ranges, various shooting power and pop-up sights to help you aim the Nerf blaster. The fastest way to be accurate with your Nerf pistol is by using the pistol as much as you can and pay attention to the details so you can replicate accurate shots.
We hope this article has helped you find the best Nerf pistols and handheld Nerf blasters in 2025. If you’re new to Nerf, there are several things to consider before choosing a Nerf pistol to ensure that you get the perfect handheld Nerf gun for your Nerf gun inventory.
As you’re choosing a Nerf pistol, you’ll want to consider the magazine-style. Some handheld Nerf guns come with a single shot, which can be slow to reload. Other Nerf pistols come with a magazine drum that rotates and makes it easier to reload your blaster while giving you more ammunition. If you have a main Nerf blaster, it’s okay to have a secondary Nerf blaster that only has a single shot, but if the pistol is your main Nerf blaster, you’ll want a Nerf pistol with a high-capacity magazine.
When you’re choosing a Nerf pistol, you’ll also need to choose a type of blaster that’s compatible with the Nerf ammo that you already have for your other Nerf guns. Once you’ve invested in a certain type of Nerf dart, it’s easier to buy Nerf blasters compatible with the ammo you already have, so you don’t need to buy more Nerf ammo. It’s also easier to refill your Nerf blasters on the battlefield because all the ammo will be compatible with your blasters.